InkBase - single user:
Price per month: EURO 30,00
The subscription is valid for tattoo studio with one user.
If you at a later stage want to upgrade to multiuser please contact InkBase.

Binding period: Minimum 6 months

InkBase - multi user:
Price per month: EURO 50,00
Subscription is valid for one tattoo studio with multiple users.

Binding period: Minimum 6 months

Barcode scanner:
Datalogic QD2330: EURO 110,00

Quickscan QD2330
The barcode scanner is a vital part of the daily use of InkBase. We have consequently chosen a high quality barcode scanner from Datalogic.
The barcode scanner is connected by a USB port and does not need a driver or installtion before use. Can be used with a PC or Mac.
Bon printer:
Epson TM-T20ii: EURO 160,00

Epson TM-T20ii
Having the Epson printer connected to InkBase, gives you the opportunity to hand over a receipt to the customer after completion of the job, stating the colors used.
It may seem superfluous, but our experience shows that customers really appreciate getting proof of the work done. Furthermore, it sends the signal that your studio belongs to the more serious in the industry.
We have chosen the Epson TM-T20ii as it is really a small workhorse. This printer is used in most supermarkets.
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